Special inoculant for making high quality grass silage.
Why is Bonsilage Plus superior?
Bonsilage Mais is a corn-specific inoculant produced by selecting homefermentative and heterofermentative lactobacilli that best use the sugar types found in the corn plant.
The product is produced by Schaumann in Austria. With the investments made since 1994, the production facility has become the center that produces the most superior products in its field.
The product increases the stability of silage, provides better fermentation, supports better digestion of fiber, prevents dry matter from falling, results in a more delicious silage, increases feed intake and provides better nutrition.
As a result of product use, propylene glycol is formed in the silage, which is an important feature that makes the product superior to its competitors. As a result of a study with 84 repetitions, the amount of propylene glycol formed was measured as 0.61%.
There are 3 lactobacilli in Bonsilage Mais.
Thanks to the bacteria L. pentosaceus and L. plantarum, the pH level is rapidly reduced and this level is maintained. • Thanks to the acetic acid created by the Lactobacillus Buchner in the product, the silage is prevented from spoiling and heating after opening.
Product content
1k2078 - Lactobacillus plantarum
1k2075 - Lactobacillus buchneri
1k2103 - Pediococcus pentosaceus
How much silage do we make with one box?
The product is in 100 gr boxes and 100 tons of corn silage is made with each box.
Bonsilage Mais is available in 100gr or 400gr boxes. The product is very simple to use. Open the product lid, fill ¾ with water (normal water, slightly warm, not hot or cold), close the lid and shake for 10 seconds. Our product is ready for use. Application is made by calculating 1 liter of water for 1 ton of corn and pouring this solution into the filled tank. The product is also suitable for micro dosing, please call us for this.
Storage conditions before use?
The product contains coated bacteria, so there is no need for a cold chain, it is a very stable and durable product.

Special inoculant for making high quality grass silage.
Why is Bonsilage Plus superior?
Bonsilage Plus is not a general inoculant, but a product specifically produced for grass silage. It was produced by selecting lactobacilli that best use the sugar types found in herbs.
The product is produced by Schaumann in Austria. With the investments made since 1994, the production facility has become the center that produces the most superior products in its field.
There are 5 lactobacilli in Bonsilage Plus.
Product content
1k2075 - Lactobacillus buchneri
1k2078 - Lactobacillus plantarum
1k20711 - Lactobacillus rhamnosus
1k2103 - Pediococcus pentosaceus
1k20710 - Lactobacillus brevis
How much silage do we make with one box?
The product is in 50 gr boxes and 50 tons of grass silage is made with each box.
Bonsilage Plus is available in 50gr boxes as you can see on the side. The product is very simple to use. Open the product lid, fill ¾ with water (normal water, slightly warm, not hot or cold), close the lid and shake for 10 seconds. Our product is ready for use. The application is made by pouring this solution into the filled tank by calculating 1 liter of water for 1 ton of grass. The product is also suitable for micro dosing, please call us for this. The product is ideal for herbs with a dry matter content of 30% and above. We recommend a different product called Bonsilage Forte for herbs with a dry matter content below this level.
Storage conditions before use?
The product contains coated bacteria, so there is no need for a cold chain, it is a very stable and durable product.

It is the product of intense fermentation in starch-rich silages within a few weeks after ensiling, with a special combination of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria strains. The Lactobacillus diolivorans strain it contains reduces the silo maturation time to two weeks with the lowest loss and highest energy content. Lactobacillus dilivorans is a completely new species of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria selected by SCHAUMANN as having a unique metabolism and synergistic effect.
Why Bonsilage Speed M?
• It enables to obtain high quality silage with aerobic stability, protected against reheating in a very short time of 2 weeks.
• The L.dilivorans bacterial strain it contains has a hitherto unknown metabolism and is EU approved. In this respect, it is an innovative product.
• It supports better digestion of fiber, prevents dry matter from falling, increases feed intake with more delicious silage and provides better nutrition.
• Propylene glycol is formed in silage as a result of product use.
• The bacteria contained in it are coated with special coating technology, and there is no need for a cold chain in the transportation and storage of the products.
Product content
• L. diolivorans (New)
• L. buchneri
• L. rhamnosus
How much silage do we make with one box?
• The product is in 100 gr boxes and 100 tons of corn silage is made with each box.
It is suitable for silages in the range of 25-45% DM. The product is dissolved in water by mixing with the help of a spiral mixer in a large bowl. The prepared bacterial solution is added to the water adjusted according to the tonnage of the silage to be applied (1 ton of silage - 1 g of product - 1 liter of water) and applied to the silage. In other words, the solution obtained from 1 box of product is added to 100 liters of water and applied to 100 tons of silage. To prevent clumping, it is recommended to filter the bacterial solution and add it to the water tank. Additionally, the product is also suitable for systems with micro-dosing system. Silage can be opened after 2 weeks after ensiling.
*When the product made into solution cannot be used, it can be stored in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for 1 week.
Storage conditions before use?
Stored in a dry and cool place. Shelf life is 2 years.

It is a combination of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacterial strains for alfalfa and alfalfa grass silage, which is difficult to ensile and has a dry matter content of 30-45%.
Why is Bonsilage Alfa superior?
- It splits fructans with the homofermentative bacterial strains L. paracasei and L. Plantarum it contains, thus reducing pH values in a reliable, fast and sustainable way.
-Lc, which is a homofermentative strain and is known to directly inhibit clostridia. Lactis reduces the risk of butyric acid fermentation.
-Heterofermentative L. buchneri releases moderate amounts of acetic acid and thus provides better protection against reheating.
-Bonsilage Alpha ensures the preservation of protein values.
-Provides propylene glycol formation in silage.
- The bacteria contained in it are coated with special coating technology, and there is no need for a cold chain in the transportation and storage of the products.
Product content
• L. paracasei
• L. plantarum
• Lc. lactis
• L. buchneri
How much silage do we make with one box?
The product is in 100 gr boxes and 50 tons of grass silage is made with each box.
Usage :
The product is dissolved in water by mixing it with a spiral mixer in a large bowl. The prepared bacterial solution is added to the water adjusted according to the tonnage of the silage to be applied (1 ton of silage - 2 g of product - 1 liter of water) and applied to the silage. In other words, the solution obtained from 1 box of product is added to 50 liters of water and applied to 50 tons of silage. To prevent clumping, it is recommended to filter the bacterial solution and add it to the water tank. Additionally, the product is also suitable for systems with micro-dosing system. For best results, it is recommended that silage be kept covered for a minimum of 8 weeks.
*If all the solution cannot be used at the same time, it can be stored in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for 1 week.
Storage conditions before use?
Stored in a dry and cool place. Shelf life is 2 years.

Perfex Plus is a superior feed additive that is used to neutralize mycotoxins found in contaminated feed and is effective with the synergy of its different components. With its unique new technology and synergistic formula, Perfex Plus binds selective mycotoxins such as Aflatoxin, ZEA (zearalenone), DON (Deoxynivalenol) and OCH (Ochratoxin) found in feed, and plays an active role in binding and neutralizing mycotoxins that threaten animal health and productivity. The product does not harm the nutrients in the feed.
Why do you need Perfex Plus?
• It is effective in removing or neutralizing mycotoxins.
• It ensures that no toxic or carcinogenic/mutagenic residues are produced in processed products.
• While doing all these, it does not change the nutritional properties of feedstuffs and does not affect feed consumption.
Please contact us for more information about our products.

In ruminants, Rumivital breaks down lignin, cellulose and hemi cellulose (ADF, NDF) in the cell wall of feedstuffs with enzymes isolated from some fungal strains (Aspregillus niger, Aspergillus tubingensis, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus sojae, Neurospora intermedia) using solid state fermentation (SSF). It significantly expands their surface area and increases the digestion of starch within the cell.
Creates more working surface for rumen protons; Since it supports rumen buffer capacity, rumen pH remains balanced.
By using Rumivital, more milk is obtained with the same feed.
Dose: 50 g/head/day